Wednesday, March 21

Meeting Minutes 3.8.12

Noodles Fundraiser:

We made $87
Will probably not go with Noodles again b/c it took them so long to get the flyer to Kori that it didn't give us enough time get the word out. Also, people may have forgotten b/c it was a long weekend.
Trisha and Janet plan to organize a Davanni's fundraiser at the Uptown location in late April of this school year.

Financial Report:

We currently have $1704.09, but still owe sites $600 from the Chinook Book profits.

Chinook Books:

We will sell them again.
Need to tell them (or register) by June 1st.

PAC Night Out:
We will receive an update on the final plan, but it is tentatively set for Sunday, April 15th at Psycho Suzi's.

Pot Luck:
3/11 @ 4pm @ Kori's

Vehicle Day:
May 19th from 10-1 @ Sabathani
Melissa will make calls the week of 3/12
Helpers: Melissa, Elise, Kori, Suzanne, Kim and Andy, Nicole, Leslee, Annie

Cinco De Mayo
May 3rd @ Wilder
Helpers: Elise, Melissa Tony, Angie, Suzanne, Trisha, Jenny

Doug needs updated order form from Elise and then will get forms out to ECFE classes one week after Spring Break


Emails were recently sent to school board members inviting then to visit ECFE classes, but so far we have not had anyone respond.

Surveys have been made up asking 3 questions:
1) Do you know what the PAC does?
2) If you know about PAC, what prevents you from coming to a meeting?
3)What would motivate you to come to a meeting?

The survey will be handed out at the ECFE Spanish speaking sites and the parent instructors will go over it with the parents.

Angie suggested that the PAC have a booth at the Birth and Baby Expo which is held this Spring at the Midtown Global Market. Angie will email the people in charge of that to find out the cost for renting a booth. (She doesn't think it's very expensive). The ECFE PAC members who man the booth could do a short presentation telling new mothers what ECFE is all about.

Megan emailed Cat Kemp to find out when Rally Day will be. (Haven't heard back from her but we think it's next Thursday. Megan also wants to get ideas from Cat about ways we can help advocate for early childhood. We want to learn more about "Think Small."

Site Council:

Trisha asked how we felt about having the meetings for the two PACS in the same building on the same night at the same time. We would share childcare but would probably have it in the two rooms instead of just one. They thought that it would make it easier for the two groups to communicate if need be, but the groups would still meet in two separate rooms.

Trisha asked us to look at the ECFE brochures and to let her know if we think there should be changes for next year. She also asked how we would feel about no longer sending brochures to parents who have already taken ECFE classes, but instead the ECFE office would send out a post card reminding parents when registration will be open online. Nothing has been decided about this yet. Also- the MELD class offering still needs to be added to the brochure.

Submitted by Melissa F.

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