Friday, December 16

Thank your State Senator / State Representative for ECFE

We have been feeling thankful lately for all of the great parenting knowledge that we've learned in ECFE, so we took some time at our last Parent Council meeting to write to each of our State Senators and Representatives and say thanks in a note card. If ECFE is as valuable to you as it is to us, and you'd like to do the same, the first step is looking up the mailing addresses for your State Senator and State Representative on the Minnesota Legislature's website.

Writing can be a bit daunting, so we put our heads together and came up with this example thank you note:
Dear [Senator / Representative] ______________,

I am writing to thank you for your support of funding for Early Childhood Family Education in the past. I live in your district and my family has been attending ECFE classes in Minneapolis for the past ____ [months / years].
ECFE is very important to my family, and I have learned a great deal about parenting while in ECFE. One thing that has been particularly valuable to learn about has been [effective discipline, relationships, child development, sleep techniques, nutrition, etc]. [Include an anecdote about this topic from ECFE.]

I hope that you will continue to fully fund ECFE in the future. ECFE is an important program, and we are lucky to have it here in Minnesota! [Optional: Please consider me a resource on this subject, and feel free to contact me. In addition, I would be glad to have you as a guest at my next ECFE class.]


Your Name
1234 Your Address

Minneapolis, MN YourZip
Have a good winter break! And let us know if a Rep or Senator takes you up on your offer to visit a class!

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