Monday, April 22

ECFE Parent Council Meeting 4/25

The April ECFE Parent Council meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday, April 25th. Meetings take place from 7:00-8:30 pm, held at MPS Wilder School at 34th & Chicago Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55407 (on the south side of the Wilder Complex. Enter through Door #2.)

The Minneapolis ECFE Parents Council is a group of parents, grandparents, and other adults in ECFE. Join us in supporting the ECFE programs at all of the ECFE sites in the following ways:

-Increase awareness of ECFE.
-Raise money for the ECFE classrooms.
-Advocate for ECFE in the community and the legislature.
-Coordinate events that bring families together.
-Provide feedback to ECFE Administrators on classes.

ECFE Parent Council FAQs
Q: Why is volunteering for the Parents Council important?
A: We think that ECFE is a valuable program that we want to continue to thrive, and to be around for our children's children. Volunteering with the Parents Council allows us to support ECFE directly and achieve that goal. The ECFE Parent Council is a 501(c)/nonprofit organization.

Q: Do Parents Council members get priority when signing up for ECFE classes?
A: This is a great benefit for joining Parents Council! While Parents Council members are not guaranteed a spot in any class, they do move up the priority list, and generally get their first or second class choice.

Q: May I bring my child(ren)?
A: Yes! Feel free to bring infants into meetings - and to nurse/bottle feed. Young children are welcome, too. ECFE childcare is available for them in a different room, but on the same floor. If you would like to request free childcare, please call 612-668-2127 by noon on the Monday before the Parents Council meeting. Otherwise, childcare may not be available.

Q: May non-Parents Council members come to meetings?
A: Absolutely. All ECFE participants—Parents Council members, or not—are welcome, can participate during the open forum/check-in time to raise concerns, and to ask questions.

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