Thursday, January 15

Meeting Minutes 12.18.08

Minutes for Dec 18th, 2008 PAC meeting

Gingerbread overview: A success with about 80 houses but still fewer families than last year. Perhaps we should return to having families preregister in classes?

Meeting with councilmember Betsy Hodges: Very low turnout. Bad timing around the holidays?

Ties between ecfe and schools: Looking for ways to strengthen connection between ecfe and k-12. Look at contacting principals and letting them know that having ecfe in area schools is important to parents. Sheila will look at and bring to Jan meeting for discussion.

Budget Task Force: Budget Task Force meeting on Thursday January 29th and Thursday, February 5th from 5:30-8 p.m. at Wilder. Need at least two south PAC parents to attend. Open to any family in ecfe, so bring it up in classes too! Free childcare (and dinner too, I believe).

PAC Family Potluck: Tentatively scheduled for Sunday, February 8th (after double checking that that was not superbowl sunday!) at 4 pm. Location TBD. Will coordinate at Jan meeting.

Teacher Baskets: Moved to February "We Love Our ECFE Teachers" baskets. Will assemble at Family Potluck and deliver for the week just before Valentine's Day.

Vehicle Day: Angie will chair :) Thanks Angie!

Cinco de Mayo: Trish and Sarah S will cochair. Thanks ladies!

PAC Night Out: April?

Speaker events: Looking at possibly a baby signs workshop.

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