Wednesday, December 20

December 2024 Meeting Minutes

 Here are the meeting minutes from the December 13th Family Council meeting (Google Docs).

 Quick recap

The meeting was held at the Mona Moede school in North Minneapolis, and we had nine residents and two staff in attendance, either in person or virtually.  Pizza from Pair-o-Dice was served. Yum.

We covered some housekeeping items like the website (which is updated and current, but still have an issue with redirecting from the old URL when using the top Google result) and budget/finances. Additionally, we set some target dates for events, and Maggie shared some info about car seat safety.


Current balance is just over $5,000.  Historically, the expense for each school year is about $400-500, depending on programming.  Generally, costs have not been offset each year with donations resulting in a drawdown from an initial onetime contribution from a donor several years ago.

A fundraising goal of $500 for the school year was proposed.  To meet that goal, we will more prominently feature a Venmo QR code at events and in publications.


This year the Family Council will host three events that have been popular in the past: 

  • a parent event centered around being your child's first sexuality educator (taught by FamilyTree), 
    • Target date: February 13th, at Wilder
  • an ECFE advocacy day at the State Capitol, 
    • Target date: March (date is set by statewide organization)
  • and a End-of-the-Year family picnic in the Spring.
    • Target date: June 7th, 5pm-8pm, location yet to be determined.

 Car Seat Safety

Maggie shared information about a Car Seat Safety clinic, free and available to all, at the Richfield Fire Department Station 1.  The clinic takes place once a month over the course of the year, second Saturday of every month, 9a-Noon.  See the flier below for more info.

The next meeting is January 10th, at Wilder in South Minneapolis.  Check out the updated "Meetings" page here for the full schedule, and addresses of the meeting locations.  Virtual call-ins are an option as well, via Google Meet-- details are listed with the full schedule as well.

We hope to see you there!


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